On March 31 at “Urbat” club in Yerevan a briefing, dealing with the establishment of the National Platform of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum in Armenia, was held. Eastern Partnership (EaP) is the new initiative of EU and six partner countries (Armenia is among them). The idea of forming national platforms, uniting NGOs, in six partner countries was advanced at the Forum. The Forum took place in November 16-17, 2009 in Brussels and was assisted by more than 200 civil society actors of EU and EaP countries. The Forum is an institutional collaboration of civil society with Eastern Partnership, and is supposed to be held once a year. The initiative group on establishing a National Platform in Armenia is composed by 21 NGOs, attending the Forum in Brussels. YPC President Boris Navasardian was elected as Coordinator of Civil Society Forum in Armenia.
During the briefing the formation of Armenian National Platform was announced, the draft of its concept and the “Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum” book were presented. The book is compiled and published by YPC, and includes documents on the foundation and activities of the Forum (it is stored on YPC website, www.ypc.am, “Publications” section).
The briefing, organized by YPC, is the first from the events cycle dealing with Civil Society Forum and Armenian National Platform. Both the briefing and the book are supported by Friedrich Ebert Foundation.