Since October 1 “Van” and “Russkoe Radio”/Radio Alfa stations of Yerevan stopped
airing commercials in foreign languages. This decision was adopted by the National
Commission on Television and Radio in accordance with Article 5 of the RA Law
“On Advertising”, which in particular stipulates: the language of advertising
is Armenian, with possible translation into foreign languages, in a smaller
typeset. Thus, the law does not actually regulate the possibility for placing
commercials in foreign languages on radio air.
As YPC was informed by the Director of “Van” radio station Shushanik Arevshatian,
on September 27 “Van” and “Russkoe Radio” addressed a letter to the RA Ministry
of Justice, State Language Inspectorate, RA National Assembly and National Commission
on Television and Radio, asking to permit broadcastings of Russian-language
commercials during programs in Russian. No answer to this address has been received