Media Self-regulation Initiative Meeting – May 17-19, 2024, Aghveran, Armenia. The event was organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “Media Program in Armenia”, implemented by Internews in partnership with Media Initiatives Center, Yerevan Press Club, Zinc Network and funded by USAID. The participants (44 in number) included heads, representatives of the media and NGOs that joined the self-regulation initiative, Commission on Television and Radio and members of Media Ethics Observatory (MEO). Main issues discussed: the MEO annual report; Etrhics icon & list; the draft Code of conduct of the MEO member; amendments to the Code of Ethics of Armenian Media and Journalists; the impact of the self-regulation initiative on the development of the Armenian media sphere; the institutional development of media self-regulation; suggestions on the rotation changes of the MEO.

Features of Armenia’s Media Environment – February 23-25, 2024, Dilijan, Armenia, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “EU4Peace II – Professional Media, Practitioners and Grassroots Joining Forced for Peace” project in partnership with International Alert, supported by European Union. The participants (31 in number) were representatives of the expert community, media of Armenia and journalists displaced from Artsakh. Main issues discussed: difficult neighborhood: the problems and coexistence of the Armenians and Azerbaijani on the eve of the national conflict; the security environment around Armenia: challenges and response; the characteristic features and opportunities of the Armenian media landscape; the work of the Media Ethics Observatory of Armenia; the Google News Initiative tools for journalists.

Features of Armenia’s Media Environment – January 26-28, 2024, Vanadzor, Armenia, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “EU4Peace II – Professional Media, Practitioners and Grassroots Joining Forced for Peace” project in partnership with International Alert, supported by European Union. The participants (24 in number) were representatives of the expert community, media of Armenia and journalists displaced from Artsakh. Main issues discussed: Armenian-Azerbaijani relations after September 2023: what to expect in 2024; international and national stereotypes: how they affect us and how to manage them; characteristic features and opportunities of the media landscape in Armenia; Lori and Vanadzor: the history, the problems, the opportunities; the work of the Media Ethics Observatory of Armenia.