Chairman of the “Iravunk” Newspaper Editorial Board

Date and Place of Birth: October 22, 1964, Yerevan, Armenia


1981-1986 Yerevan Polytechnic Institute; Department of Computer Engineering; computer engineer and system analyst


1999-present member, chairman of “Iravunk” newspaper Editorial Board

1993-1999 chief editor of “Iravunk” newspaper

1992-1993 editor of “Hanrapetakan” newspaper

Membership in Parties and Their Governing Bodies:

Since 2006 chair of the party of “Unity of Constitutional Law”

1993-2006 vice-chairman of the Unity of “Constitutional Law”

1989-1993 member of the “Constitutional Law” Union Board

Membership in Elective State Administration Bodies:

2012-2018 deputy of the RA National Assembly

1999 deputy of Yerevan City Council

1995 candidate for the RA National Assembly seat

1999-2003 deputy of the RA National Assembly

Publications: “Luys”, “Hayastani Hanrapetutiun”, “Eir” (USA)

Hobbies: gardening

Languages: Armenian, Russian, English

Marital Status: married with two children

Contact information: 50а, Koghbatsi str., Yerevan, Armenia

Tel. (374 10) 53 27 30

Fax (374 10) 53 90 11
