Chief Editor of “Tesankyun” Program of Public Television of Armenia

Date and Place of Birth: August 13, 1955, Tbilisi, Georgia


1972-1976 Yerevan Brusov State Institute of the Russian and Foreign Languages; Department of Philology; philologist; teacher of the Russian language and literature

1995 Special course “Editorial Management and Press Rights” at the International Institute for Journalism in Berlin (Germany)

1996 Special course “Media and Law” at Moscow State University Summer School of Journalism


2010-present chief editor of “Tesankyun” news analysis program of Public Television of Armenia

2003-present correspondent of “Novosti” Russian news agency in Armenia

2008-2010 chief editor of news service and “Tesankyun” current affairs program of TV 5

2004-2008 chief editor of “Express” news analysis program and “Tesankyun” current affairs program of “Armenia” TV company

2002-2003 department editor of social political programs of “Kentron”/”Aravot” TV

2001-2002 publishing editor of National News Service “” in Moscow (Russia)

1999-2000 correspondent of “Parlamentskaya Gazeta” (Russia) in Armenia

1999-2000 international observer of “Noratert” newspaper

1999 deputy chief editor of “Respublika Armenia” newspaper

1993-1998 correspondent of “Segodnya” newspaper (Russia) in Armenia

1993-1997 correspondent of “Chas Pik” newspaper (Russia) in Armenia

1992-1995 correspondent of “Vek” newspaper (Russia) in Armenia

1990-1993 chief editor of “Armanskiy Commersant” weekly

1982-1990 correspondent, department editor, executive secretary of “Komsomolets” (“Epokha”) newspaper

Membership in Journalistic Associations and Their Governing Bodies:

Since 1996 Journalists Union of Armenia

1995-1996 Yerevan Press Club

Publications: “Golos Armenii”, “Hayastani Hanrapetutiun”, “Aravot”, “Sovetakan Hayastan”, “Avangard”, “Yerekoyan Yerevan”, “Delovoy Express”, “Finansner ev Banker”, “Hayatsk Yerevanist” magazine, “Respublika Armenia”, “Noratert”, “Armanskiy Commersant”, “Komsomolets”, etc., Russian media: “Segodnya”, “Chas Pik”, “Vek”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, “Pravda”, “Gazeta”, “Rossiyskie Vesti”, “Rossiya”,”Rossia”, “Nezavisimoe Obozrenie”, “Sovetskiy Sport”, “Torgovaya Gazeta”, magazines: “Itogi”, “Expert”, “Profile”, etc., Belorussian media: “Sovetskaya Belorusiya”, “Belorusiya”, “Znamya Yunosti”, etc.; Georgian media: “Svobodnaya Gruziya”, “Molodezh Gruzii”, “Vecherniy Tbilisi”, “Zarya Vostoka”, etc., “Familia Kristiana” magazine (Italy), WDR radio station (Germany), etc.

1996 one of the authors of the collection “Management of Independent Media” (Yerevan)

Hobbies: Internet, books, football statistics

Languages: Armenian, Russian, English, Georgian

Marital Status: married, a son

Contact Information:

apt. 11, 10 Vartanants str., 375010 Yerevan, Armenia
