General Director of Second Armenian TV Channel
Date and Place of Birth: April 22, 1959, Kamo, Armenia
1974-1979 Yerevan Institute of National Economy; economist
1979-1982 graduate school, candidate of economic science, docent
Dec.2003-present general director of Second Armenian TV Channel
2000-Dec.2003 general director of “Prometheus” TV company
1997-2000 director of “Paradise” advertising agency
1996-1997 head of the office of RA Ministry of Culture, Youth Affairs and Sport
1992-1996 prorector for international relations of the Yerevan Medical Institute
1990-1992 assistant to the rector of Yerevan Medical Institute
1982-1996 professor, senior professor, docent of political economy chair of Yerevan Medical Institute
Hobbies: gardening
Languages: Armenian, Russian, English
Marital Status: married with two children
Contact Information:
Tel. (374 10) 39 88 31, (374 9) 40 21 01 (mob.)
Fax (374 10) 39 56 40