MEO Public Awareness Meetings

The Public Awareness Meetings of the Media Self-Regulation Initiative are held by Media Ethics Observatory members in the regions of Armenia, aiming to introduce the regional media, NGO and local self-government representatives with the MEO mission, objectives and activities as well as current documents and self-regulation tools, including the procedure of submitting complaints to MEO, regarding the violations of the Code of Ethics of Armenian Media and Journalists.

The events are organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “Media Program in Armenia”, implemented by Internews in partnership with Media Initiatives Center, Yerevan Press Club, Zinc Network and funded by USAID.


Public Awareness Meetings of the Media Self-Regulation Initiative – Mach 15, 2024, Hrazdan (23 participants)




Public Awareness Meetings of the Media Self-Regulation Initiative – July 19, 2023, Armavir (34 participants) and July 24, 2023, Sevan (26 participants)




Public Awareness Meeting of the Media Self-Regulation Initiative – June 22, 2023, Goris (25 participants) and June 23, 2023, Vayk (28 participants)

