Monitoring of Armenian Broadcast Media Coverage of the Referendum on Amendments to the RA Constitution

Monitoring of Armenian Broadcast Media Coverage of the Referendum on Amendments to the RA Constitution (originally planned for April 5, 2020) is carried out by Yerevan Press Club as part of the Media for Informed Civic Engagement project, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Media Initiatives Center.

On March 16, 2020, due to the spread of coronavirus, state of emergency was announced in Armenia, and the Referendum and, accordingly, the promotion campaign were postponed. From March 16, 2020, the monitoring was suspended and will continue after the resumption of the campaign.

February 17 – March 15, 2020 – YPC Interim Report on Monitoring of Armenian Broadcast Media Coverage of the Referendum on Amendments to the RA Constitution

February 17 – March 4, 2020 – YPC First Interim Report on Monitoring of Armenian Broadcast Media Coverage of the April 5, 2020 Referendum on Amendments to the RA Constitution