Consultative Meeting on Media Problems – December 9, 2021, Yerevan, discussion organized by Yerevan Press Club with the support of United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The participants (20 in number) were representatives of the RA National Assembly, Government, Commission on Television and Radio, Media Ethics Observatory, expert community, civil society and media of Armenia. Main issues discussed: issues related to state policy development in the field of mass media.

Media Coverage of Internal and External Political Problems in the Post-War Armenia – December 3-5, 2021, Aghveran, Armenia, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club with the support of United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The participants (17 in number) were representatives of Armenian expert community and media, experts from Russia and Azerbaijan. Main issues discussed: the efficiency of the public administration system in times of crisis; demarcation and delimitation issues and possible solutions; the perceptions of Western socio-political and media circles about recent developments in the South Caucasus; the socio-political processes in Russia, their possible impact on Moscow’s behavior in the South Caucasus and her relations with Armenia; rational prospects of mining in Armenia: are mines, after all, a blessing or a punishment?; the role of media in conflict resolution and harmonization of public sentiments: a view from Azerbaijan.

Consultative Meeting on Media Problems – December 1, 2021, Yerevan, discussion organized by Yerevan Press Club with the support of United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The participants (23 in number) were representatives of the RA National Assembly, Government, Commission on Television and Radio, Media Ethics Observatory, expert community, civil society and media of Armenia. Main issues discussed: legislative regulation and Issues of media self-regulation development.

Media Coverage of Internal and External Political Problems in the Post-War Armenia – November 19-21, 2021, Aghveran, Armenia, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club with the support of United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The participants (18 in number) were representatives of Armenian expert community and media, expert from Georgia. Main issues discussed: Iran’s place and role in the regional processes; political developments in Georgia and their impact on the situation in the region; the link between Turkey’s domestic political processes and the country’s foreign relations; the content of the lawsuits of Armenia and Azerbaijan at the Hague International Court of Justice and the prospects of the trial; the peculiarities and efficiency of parliamentary diplomacy; road to quality journalism: presentation of international experience.

Media Coverage of Internal and External Political Problems in the Post-War Armenia – October 29-31, 2021, Aghveran, Armenia, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club with the support of United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. The participants (18 in number) were representatives of Armenian expert community, media and international structures, experts from United Kingdom, Poland, Ukraine. Main issues discussed: global and regional developments in the Armenian media; current state of Armenia-EU cooperation and the role of CEPA in the country’s reform agenda; opportunities for overcoming security threats in the South Caucasus; public sentiments and domestic political situation in post-war Azerbaijan; contacts of civil society and media representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan before and after the 44-day Artsakh war; dynamics of political developments in Armenia in the context of national and local elections.

Media and Elections to the RA National Assembly – July 15, 2021, Yerevan, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club within the framework of “Armenian Media and Elections” project, supported by IMS (International Media Support). The participants (30 in number) were representatives of Commission on Television and Radio, expert community, NGOs and media of Armenia. Main issues discussed: the coverage of elections by national broadcasters: Yerevan Press Club monitoring; the role of fact-checking initiatives in voter orientation; the use of social media by the participants of the electoral campaign.

Media Self-regulation Initative Meeting – May 15-16, 2021, Dilijan, Armenia. The event was organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “Media for Informed Civic Engagement” project implemented by YPC in partnership with the Media Initiatives Center and supported by USAID. The participants (40 in number) included heads, representatives of media and NGOs who joined the self-regulation initiative, members of Media Ethics Observatory (MEO) and representatives of state structures. Main issues discussed: recommendations on the development of media self-regulation; discussion on the current situation in the media field; the 2019-2021 activities of Media Ethics Observatory; proposed supplements and amendments to the Code of Ethics of Armenian Media and Journalists, issues related to the coverage of the RA snap parliamentary elections (possible adoption of a Memorandum); proposed supplements and amendments to the MEO Regulations; viewing and discussion of “Media Observer” TV program issues; suggestions on the rotation changes of the MEO; summarizing the recommendations on the self-regulation initiative and MEO activities.