Features of Armenia’s Media Environment – December 1-3, 2023, Gyumri, Armenia, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “EU4Peace II – Professional Media, Practitioners and Grassroots Joining Forced for Peace” project in partnership with International Alert, supported by European Union. The participants (24 in number) were representatives of the expert community, media of Armenia and journalists displaced from Artsakh. Main issues discussed: the Artsakh issue and Armenian-Azerbaijani relations before and after September 19; the political situation in Armenia in a global, regional context; the characteristic features and opportunities of the Armenian media landscape; the regulation and self-regulation systems of the media in Armenia; information security and the fight against disinformation: trends, challenges, tools and opportunities.

Actual Issues of Armenian Media Development Policy – November 28, 2023, Yerevan, discussion meeting organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “Media Program in Armenia” implemented by Internews in partnership with Media Initiatives Center, Yerevan Press Club, Zinc Network, and funded by USAID. The participants (25 in number) were representatives of the Armenian government agencies, Commission on Television and Radio, expert community and the Armenia media. Main issues discussed: the draft amendments to the RA Mass Media Law and starting formation of Media advocacy action plan.

Consultations with Experts on the Issue of Overcoming the Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict – October 17, 19 and November 24, 2023 Yerevan. Consultations organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “EU4Peace II – Professional Media, Practitioners and Grassroots Joining Forced for Peace” project in partnership with International Alert, supported by European Union. The participants (12 in number) were representatives of the expert community and media of Armenia.

The Current Issues of the Armenian Media – October 20-22, 2023, Aghveran, Armenia, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “Media Program in Armenia”, implemented by Internews in partnership with Media Initiatives Center, Yerevan Press Club, Zinc Network, funded by USAID. The participants (25 in number) were representatives of the expert community and the Armenia media. Main issues discussed: current geopolitical developments and Armenia; Artsakh-Armenia: the background of the forced displacement and the current situation; the significance of the Yerevan Council of Elders elections for the development of the Armenian political system and local government bodies as an institution; the quality and ethics of the election coverage by the Armenian media; the role of the media and civil society in the integration of the new residents of Armenia; the current issues of the Armenian Media.

Civil Society’s Contribution to the Reform of Information Policy and Media Legislation – September 28, 2023, Yerevan, round table-discussion organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “Media Program in Armenia” implemented by Internews in partnership with Media Initiatives Center, Yerevan Press Club, Zinc Network, and funded by USAID. The participants (19 in number) were representatives of the Armenian government agencies, Media Ethics Observatory and expert community. Main issues discussed: concept of the Institutional Development of Self-Regulation in Armenia: update on the process and comments; development of the reform agenda components; media community response to the forced displacement crisis.

The Role of the Media and Civil Society in the Integration Process of Artsakh Armenians Living in Armenia – September 22-24, 2023, Aghveran, Armenia, seminar organized by Yerevan Press Club with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The participants (20 in number) were representatives of expert community and media of Armenia. Main issues discussed: presentation of results of the media monitoring and surveys conducted within the frames of “The Role of Media and Civil Society in the Integration of New Residents of Armenia” project; the legal and political problems of displaced citizens from Artsakh; Hetq.am’s experience to cover the problems of displaced people from Artsakh and conclusions in the context of the current circumstances; media manipulations during the crisis; the challenges faced by Armenia and Artsakh in the context of recent geopolitical developments.

The Role of Media and Civil Society in the Integration of New Residents of Armenia – September 19, 2023, Yerevan, public meeting, organized by Yerevan Press Club with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The participants (15 in number) were representatives of expert community, civil society and the Armenian media. Main issues discussed: presentation of results of the media monitoring and surveys conducted within the frames of “The Role of Media and Civil Society in the Integration of New Residents of Armenia” project; the legal and political problems of displaced citizens from Artsakh.

The Role of Media and Civil Society in the Integration of New Residents of Armenia – July 19, 2023, Armavir (26 participants) and July 25, 2023, Martuni (23 participants), Armenia. Public meetings organized by Yerevan Press Club with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The participants were representatives of expert community, civil society and the Armenia media. Main issues discussed: presentation of the results of the media monitoring and surveys conducted within the frames of “The Role of Media and Civil Society in the Integration of New Residents of Armenia” project; presentation of the results of surveys conducted among displaced persons from Artsakh; presentation of Martuni Women’s Community Council’s and Armavir Development Center’s support programs for displaced persons from Artsakh.

Harmonization of Media Regulation and Self-regulation Mechanisms: Further Steps towards Concept Implementation – June 29, 2023, Yerevan, expert “round table” discussion, organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “Media Program in Armenia”, implemented by Internews in partnership with Media Initiatives Center, Yerevan Press Club, Zinc Network, and funded by USAID. The participants (19 in number) were representatives of the Armenian government structures, Commission on Television and Radio, Media Ethics Observatory, expert community and the Armenia media. Main issues discussed: presentation of approaches in light of the discussions at the Assembly of the Media Self-Regulation Initiative.

Media Self-regulation Initiative Meeting – June 23-25, 2023, Vayots Dzor, Armenia. The event was organized by Yerevan Press Club in the frames of “Media Program in Armenia”, implemented by Internews in partnership with Media Initiatives Center, Yerevan Press Club, Zinc Network and funded by USAID. The participants (45 in number) included heads, representatives of the media and NGOs that joined the self-regulation initiative, members of Media Ethics Observatory (MEO) and representatives of government structures. Main issues discussed: recommendations on the development of the media self-regulation; the 2021-2023 activities of Media Ethics Observatory; the draft concept “Institutional development of the self-regulation system in Armenia”; supplements and amendments to the Code of Ethics of Armenian Media and Journalists and to the MEO Regulations; suggestions on the rotation changes of the MEO; presentation of the intermediate results of the “Media regulation in a democratic framework”.